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cat-faced  n.— «Cool winter weather or high soil moisture canlead to a shift toward femalness, where the stamens fuse to the carpels or ovary wall. The resulting fruits become severely ridged (carpelloid, or “cat-faced”) and...


otherkin n.pl. people who believe themselves to be, at least in part, something other than human. Also singular. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


JND n. in psychophysics, the minimum difference between two inputs which is detectable by a human. Etymological Note: just noticeable difference (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


refouler  n.— «Furthermore, Haynes stated that the U.S. does not “expel, return (’refouler’) or extradite individuals to other countries where the U.S. believes it is ‘more likely than not’ they will be tortured.”» —“HUman...