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freezing  n.— «Hospital workers also are upset with a practice called “freezing,” in which they’re ordered to work back-to-back eight-hour shifts.» —“Unsafe conditions found at state psychiatric hospital” by...

bucket handle fracture

bucket handle fracture  n.— «Hay, a pediatric radiologist at Children’s Hospital in Denver, said fractures of a child’s growth plates at the ends of the bones can occur because they are a weaker part of the bone. They are commonly called...

coroner fracture

coroner fracture  n.— «Hay, a pediatric radiologist at Children’s Hospital in Denver, said fractures of a child’s growth plates at the ends of the bones can occur because they are a weaker part of the bone. They are commonly called...


alter  n.— «To send her back to prison might trigger her multiple personalities, or “alters,” as the psychiatrists call them.» —“State Hospital wants accused arsonist in jail” by Susan Smallheer in White...

chill suit

chill suit  n.— «In an effort to preserve her brain function, doctors at Oklahoma Heart Hospital put Jill in what’s called a “chill suit.” “We moved directly to this induced hypothermia, which is basically a refrigerated...

devil doc

devil doc  n.— «Affectionately called “Devil Docs,” Navy hospital corpsmen have been attached to Marine units since the Spanish-American War. The 2nd Marine Division honored the establishment of the Navy Hospital Corps here, June 18...