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pilo polo

pilo polo  n.— «For more than 10 years, a group has gathered to play pilo (pronounced like pillow) polo on winter holidays. Players are loosely divided into two teams. Each player gets a short plastic mallet with a rubber end. Everyone...

Halloween hangover

Halloween hangover  n.— «The days after the biggest candy holiday in America are often considered some of the worst days of the year because of what’s known as the “Halloween Hangover.” Every Halloween, trick-or-treaters...

muscle Mary

muscle Mary  n.— «There is a weird naivety to Michael Barrymore. When he first came out he went out with what is known as a muscle Mary. “But I didn’t know that at the time. We went on holiday to Bangkok and he walked around with his...

cut up jackpots

cut up jackpots  v. phr.— «Over the holiday weekend, these carnies will swap lies (or “cut up jackpots,” as they say), perform outrageous feats of physical daring—swallowing swords, eating razor blades, walking on broken glass—and allow...


textile  n.— «The naturist community has a slightly derogatory term for their clothed counterparts—”textiles.”…When textiles and naturists pack for their holidays they take the same things. They might travel slightly...

fifth quarter

fifth quarter  n.— «We consider this time, December 26th through the end of the year, as the “5th Quarter.” So we see a lot of gift card redemption in our electronics and entertainment area.» —“Holiday Returns, Gift Cards...