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What’s a scissorbill? A bird? A hog? And how did its name get transferred to refer to anyone who’s lazy or ineffectual? This is part of a complete episode.


If you tell a buddy, “Don’t bogart that joint,” you’re telling him not to hog the marijuana cigarette. Ahem. We know phrase was popularized in the film Easy Rider (performed by The Fraternity of Man) but does it have anything...


hog-dogging  n.— «Now I have, second hand, a story on people who sic dogs on captured wild hogs, chasing them around a pasture and biting them into submission. This is no joke. Hog dogging rodeos are for real and they’re happening...

hog dog baying

hog dog baying  n.— «“Hog dog baying,” a variant in which the dog corners the other animal but does not attack it, is still legal.» —“7 Arrested in Hog and Dog Competitions” by Ellen Barry in Atlanta, Ga...

hog baiting

hog baiting  n.— «In hog dog rodeo—also known as “hog catch trials,” “hog dog trials” or “hog baiting”—a feral pig or hog is thrust into a pen. A dog then chases the hog until it forces the animal to the...