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stocking  n.— «Stocking up is a term used to describe a harmless swelling of the leg from coronet to hock, usually in the hind legs. This swelling occurs naturally because of lack of movement by the horse while stalled. The normal walking...


hocker n. a person who harangues, beseeches, or talks persuasively; a person who trades in information, gossip, or personal connections; someone who is (obnoxiously) ambitious. Editorial Note: Hocker is common and well-known to yeshiva students in...


hocker  n.— «“Hocker” has since seeped into our lingo. The catch phrase has come to connote the student in the know, who rubs elbows with the higher-ups at Yeshiva, often organizing Yeshiva events and programs. The proverbial hocker...


hocker  n.— «Some reporters are hockers, which may be true. However, once they begin publishing what they hock, Rabbis may be reticent to speak to them…Of course, there are Hockers which have poor information & hockers with...


hocker  n.— «Sem wonders if skeptical rabbis mean that the press can’t do its job, and that therefore “hockers” are the best sources of information for what the rabbis think…When it comes to the “hock”...

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