spawn n.β Β«Attempts to place Liverpoolβs success in some manner of historical context of luckβor “spawn,” to use the vernacularβhave been laughable.…Thereβs two ways of rebutting the appearance of season-wide spawniness...
Canada point n. a place away from a cityβs center where newspapers are distributed to newsboys and news agents. Editorial Note: Now historical. This term appears to have been used only in Boston and New York City. Etymological Note: Probably by...
pissdale n. on a ship, a scupper for urination; a urinal. Now historical. Etymological Note: The etymological information given in the cite from The Sailorβs Hornbook is likely correct. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
boondocking n. living without conveniences such as municipal electricity or water, indoor plumbing, or grocery stores, especially when camping with a recreational vehicle;roughing it. Editorial Note: Other variations on to boondock, according to the...
kayfabe n. the showbiz and stagecraft of professional wrestling, including the ring personas of professional wrestlers, especially when maintained in public; insider knowledge of professional wrestling. Also keyfabe. Editorial Note: The historical...
dead wagon n. a vehicle used as part of a protection racket in which uncooperative distributors of milk, soda fountain syrups, or other products are forced out of business by undercutting their prices and other tactics. Editorial Note: This term is...