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chill suit

chill suit  n.— «In an effort to preserve her brain function, doctors at Oklahoma Heart Hospital put Jill in what’s called a “chill suit.” “We moved directly to this induced hypothermia, which is basically a refrigerated...

tooth floater

tooth floater  n.— «Jim Johnson of Sacred Heart has been a horse tooth floater for 15 years. He uses something that looks like a giant nail file called a “float”—the name used years ago for leveling or planing tools. He swears...

doty house

doty house  n.— «The building that houses the Gallery was built by a family who moved out-of-state, and it has a unique story of its own. Mike explains the gallery building is an Amish “doty” house; doty being the German word...


wannarexia  n.— «By now, we all know the symptoms: a refusal to eat or to acknowledge an unhealthy weight, combined with physical problems like heart palpitations, hair loss, and amenorrhea. It sounds like a nightmare—but for many young...


scuffled  v.— «The defending World Series champion Los Angeles Dodgers scuffled through the first half of the season. Manager Tom Lasorda said he is growing weary of hearing about how hard his players are trying.» —“Randolph Says...


snip  n.— «The tools made by Santa Clara-based Affymetrix and San Diego-based Illumina identify markers that show which variant of a gene is present in an individual. These markers are called single nucleotide polymorphisms, or...