hurricane ham n.— «Local chefs are creative in preparing it, particularly the island specialty—conch (pronounced konk). The natives also call this mollusk “hurricane ham” because it turns pink when cured and stored for...
hurricane ham n.— «In the same way that Tuna is called “chicken of the sea,” Floridians called the sea turtle “turkey of the sea.” Conchs are still called “hurricane hams.” Sponges are...
jag someone off v. phr.— «“We don’t make any money,” says Weisbecker, who charges $3.39 for the sandwich. “But,” he says, deploying a western Pennsylvania euphemism for pulling someone’s, er, leg, “we do like to jag people off...
radio fox hunt n.— «This was a radio fox hunt, an event put on by the South East Metro Amateur Radio Club. Radio fox hunting—also known as transmitter hunting, T-hunting, bunny hunting or amateur radio direction finding—is a competition...
city ham n.— «By contrast, wet-cured hams—often called “city” hams—are brined or injected with a saltwater solution as a preservative. City hams, more mild-tasting and moister than country hams, are far more prevalent because...
Elmer n.— «Uncle Charlie was the first of the two brothers to be converted to ham obsession: K4NAV (Kilo4NovemberAlphaVictor)—he went on to design optics for deep-space telescopes. and my Great Uncle Bill Leatherman, W4YNQ, who introduced...