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wireline  adj.— «Although Pacific Telesis Group operates wireline telephone services in the region, U S West has held a cellular franchise in San Diego since 1986.» —“TW lays plans for fiber optic net in San...

finger trouble

finger trouble  n.— «Finger trouble on the control panel is my big worry. Unlike the passive taps where I can (and do) get the wrong connection on the sniffer, such a mistake on an active patch panel could disrupt a live connection...

walking school bus

walking school bus  n.— «Some parents have put some of those worries to rest by starting what’s called a “walking school bus.” It’s a group of students, led and monitored by parents, who walk to school together.» —“Walking...

food shed

food shed  n.— «Noting that “(t)he premise of this method of adjusting exposure estimates is that varia tion in the pattern of distribution of the commodity across the population does not lead to significant differences in exposure...