Basement Betty n.— «It’s just not possible for the ma and pa shops to compete with the grocery stores selling cut flowers and the Basement Bettys undercutting the market, selling out of their homes.» —“Hannah Floral Branching...
Tehrangeles n.— «With neon signs in Persian decorating the window of the Woodland Hills Market—”Kabob” glowing in bright red, “Iranian Market” in pea green—this corner grocery store could just as well be in Tehran...
potel n.— «The diasporic or long-distance Indian remains an enigma, most of all to herself. From Silicon Valley and Potels’ (Patel-run hotels) in the US, to the National Health Service and the retail grocery trade in the UK, Indian...
d-rail v.— «Generation Y’s version of drunk dialing is d-railing, a term meaning e-mailing while drunk.…He threw back a few beverages that had been on sale at the grocery store—from Pabst Blue Ribbon to Boone’s—before bidding on a...
pantry cooking n.— «‘Pantry cooking”: Henderson attributes much of her cooking acumen to her mother, whom she dubs the ultimate “pantry cook.” Her father was a teacher and got paid once a month, and there were six...
pantry cook n.— «‘Pantry cooking”: Henderson attributes much of her cooking acumen to her mother, whom she dubs the ultimate “pantry cook.” Her father was a teacher and got paid once a month, and there were six children...