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thumper  n.— «That banger’s thumper is a double-deuce, and he packs a gauge. Translation: That gang member’s pistol is a .22, and he carries a shotgun.» —“Gang Slang Police Compile New Glossary Of Street Talk” by Peter...


murre  n.— «A bonus for those interested in linguistics is a glossary comparing the region’s Spanish to “standard” Spanish. Garcia compares the usage of such words as murre/muy (very), probe/pobre (poor) as well as the many...


probe  n.— «A bonus for those interested in linguistics is a glossary comparing the region’s Spanish to “standard” Spanish. Garcia compares the usage of such words as murre/muy (very), probe/pobre (poor) as well as the many...


Colorao  n.— «A bonus for those interested in linguistics is a glossary comparing the region’s Spanish to “standard” Spanish. Garcia compares the usage of such words as murre/muy (very), probe/pobre (poor) as well as the many...


smile  n.— «Smile: Graph with a minimum implied volatility for an underlying at-the-money.» —“Glossary of keywords” by André Jaun Hedging Your Portfolio: Options, Swaps and Derivatives Aug. 18, 2003. (source:...

tomato can

tomato can  n.— «“Tomato Can”—an inferior fighter. This reference is generally made by one manager describing another manager’s fighter.» —“A Glossary of Fight Terms for TV Fans” by Jack Gregson New York Herald...

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