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spave  v.— «I heard a term recently that I really thought was funny. “Spaving” Spending to Save. I actually spaved today.» —“Re: Cofarb Bucks was Re: botton posting” by JennP Usenet: alt.fashion Apr...


anti-fit  adj.— «A jeans manufacturer has a commercial for a new brand of jeans “with anti-fit.” I was still struggling with this concept when I heard a woman fashion expert on the radio say “Of course, most clothes now...


hypermile  v.— «Hyper fuel economy driving can be considered in a similar fashion.…The best hyper mileage Insight drivers do not use the WOT (Wide Open Throttle) in First, Second, and Fifth gear fast start.…hile test driving a...

boy safari

boy safari  n.— «Dior is one of the fashion houses leading the demand for stick-thin young men. Chris Ulyatt, 19, modelled for Dior last year. At 6ft 2in, he weighs only 10 stone. “I was approached in the street by the head of Dior...

bark park

bark park  n.— «Dog parks, or “bark parks” as they are affectionately called, are the fitness clubs of the canine set. Bark parks allow man and beast to let down their hair and run free—sometimes without leashes, though man...


fakenger  n.— «For centuries people have done some pretty silly things in the name of fashion, and right now in portland there is a prevalant bikie / “fakenger” fashion. the fact of the matter is that most people around here who choose not...