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Episode 1419

Green-Eyed Monster

We often hear that English is going to hell in a handbasket. Actually, though, linguistic handwringing about sinking standards and sloppy speech has been going on for centuries – at least as far back as the 1300’s! And: language also...

A Gazelle in the Garden

“There’s a gazelle on the lawn,” meaning you have schmutz on your face, is a fun way to tip someone off to wipe their chin. The expression actually comes to us from Arabic, where the expression “there’s a gazelle in the...

A Gazelle on the Lawn

What do you say if you have guests over and someone in your family has stray food left on the face? In some households, the secret warning is “there’s a gazelle on the lawn.” But why a gazelle? Also, this week: the term for a party...


MTBOO  n.— «MTBOO…Mean Time Between Other Offers. It is commonly held that MTBOO for software engineers is 9 months.» —“Get that Gazelle Out of My Space!” by Eliot Redmond Innovation Dec., 2005. (source:...


 n.— «Crater…A company that received venture capital that went bankrupt. » —“Get that Gazelle Out of My Space!” by Eliot Redmond Innovation Dec., 2005. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)