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Chillary  n.—Gloss: a nickname for Senator Hillary Clinton, whose manner is perceived by some people to be too businesslike and impersonal. «Her voice faltered, her eyes glistened, and she appeared to teeter on the brink of tears.…A...

wraparound service

wraparound service  adj.— «We have tried to persuade our legislators and governor to provide the comprehensive treatment so desperately needed by those who suffer from severe mental illness.…But to no avail. Two assembly bills, both...

on memo

on memo  adv. phr.— «“Whether he was selling shoe laces or wine bottles or jewelry, you had that sense of credibility.” Mr. Esmerian, an early believer, gave Mr. Leighton jewelry “on memo,” or on consignment, to sell...


fixed-pie  n.— «The Bush Administration has adopted what negotiators refer to as a fixed-pie frame of mind—each gain by one side is a loss to the other. And since they cannot tolerate any sense of loss, they refuse to negotiate at all...


enviroprenuer  n.— «The company invests in ecologically valuable ranches in the West and earns returns for investors by buying up degraded land and then enhancing it, protecting it or, in some cases, adding limited development for a net...


speaker-box  n.— «Another is joining the OutKast dots. The film was already in production when OutKast wrote their 2003 album, Speakerboxxx/The Love Below, which came studded with film project foretastes. Tracks like “The...