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HBCU  n.— «long with other bands from historically black colleges and universities, or H.B.C.U.‘s, it is an example of a robust vernacular American musical form that serves a social function and isn’t aiming at commercial success...

liver roll

liver roll  n.— «Another sign can be a roll of fat around the upper abdomen, which I affectionately call the “liver roll.” This is often a sign of a fatty liver. It can be almost impossible to lose this abdominal fat...


manopause  n.— «Now middle-aged men have begun to admit they, too, can experience hormonal shifts that affect many aspects of their lives such as sexual function and drive, muscle and bone strength, mood, mental acumen and energy. Some...


sirtuin  n.— «Sirtuins are a recently discovered family of enzymes that promote normal cellular function. In particular, sirtuins improve the function of mitochondria which generate energy in cells. When organisms face adversity, sirtuins...

belly button

belly button  n.— «So while some may say that the service chiefs do participate in the acquisition process, the study focuses on the fact that is indirectly through budgeting and requirements determination. As such, the current system...


dick  v.— «The security personnel who work for many of the larger media organisations call this being “dicked.” It was given a graphic illustration earlier this month with the kidnapping of Australian television journalist John...

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