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munter  n.— Note: Probably unrelated to the British slang term “munter,” which refers to an undesirable woman. Â«More than 400 people between the ages of 23 and 35 will then appear divided into 16 teams wearing different colored...

sidewalk alumni

sidewalk alumni  n.pl.— Â«People said he liked green because we’re Irish, but actually he was, and is, a Notre Dame red-hot, one of the well-known sidewalk alumni. Notre Dame’s colors are kelly green and gold, and that was Charlie’s...

friend raising

friend raising  n.— Â«In addition to developments in major gift solicitation, I am also observing fundamental changes in the fund-raising process itself. In particular, an increasing tendency toward what is sometimes called “friend raising”...

bust on someone

bust on someone  v. phr.— Â«Their story is that Christian picked up the gun at the home of his girlfriend, Laurene Landon. He told Cheyenne he was going to “bust on” her lover. Christian walked into his father’s house, started...


Bedouin  n.— Â«If only we Bedouins—to use a term catching on in San Francisco to describe roaming workers armed with laptops and cellphones—could unionize. Suggested motto: Coffee-shop squatters of the world, unite!» â€”“Ode to Annoying...

sanctuary city

sanctuary city  n.— Â«Enforcing immigration law “really isn’t our job,” he said. “That’s the INS’s…This is a sanctuary city, and we have city policies we have to abide by.”» â€”“Hundreds line up to get...

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