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print Islam

print Islam  n.— «Add that to the proliferation of what’s called print Islam, that is to say the media, whether it’s broadcast or printed et cetera, whereby more and more Muslims are aware of what’s going on in other...

fling a craving

fling a craving  v. phr.— «“Yazoo City done flung a craving on the whole world,” shouted the city’s resident humorist Jerry Clower at a town party Wednesday night.» —“Yazoo ready and waiting” by Kim...

fling a craving

fling a craving  v. phr.— «All this talk about hot food flung a craving on me, so I *had* to go out for Thai food at lunch today.» —“Re: Hackers and spicy food” by Mike Van Pelt Usenet: alt.hackers Feb. 7, 1992...

fling a craving

fling a craving  v. phr.— «In the Southern vernacular, watching that child nibble on Cheerios “flung a cravin’ on me.”» —“The Cheerio effect” by Denese Rodgers Henry Daily Herald (McDonough...

pamper pole

pamper pole  n.— «When Tully approached the Pamper Pole—a 25-foot pole with a one-foot square platform perched atop it—he was nervous, but willing. After the 25-foot climb to the top, Tully clambered onto the platform and just sat for a...

make it rain

make it rain  v. phr.— «From time to time, patrons flung plumes of cash toward the rafters, letting the dollar bills flutter where they may—a ritual known as “making it rain.” It began as a flashy way for big-timers to tip the...

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