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GUBU  adj.— «Conor Cruise O’Brien coined the Gubu acronym in 1983 after former Taoiseach Haughey referred to the discovery of serial killer Malcolm MacArthur in the flat of Government Attorney General Patrick Connolly as “grotesque...

buffet flat

buffet flat  n.— «The “buffet flat” is thus termed because it is possible to buy all kinds of liquor in these places at all hours—and for all prices.» —“It Takes an Out-of-Town Minister Really to See Chicago...

buffet flat

buffet flat  n.— «From Twenty-second street south in Michigan avenue, Wabash avenue, State street, and the cross streets as far south as Thirty-first street is a rich district of the so-called buffet flats. There, too, can be found...

buffet flat

buffet flat  n.— «Have you ever been to a buffet flat? It’s neither a lunchroom nor a variation of a western plain. It’s peculiar to Harlem, yet few white visitors to that Negro haven in New York City ever hear of it, and practically none...

buffet flat

buffet flat
 n.— «The Buffet Flat and Wine Room, Recruiting Stations for White Slavers, Exposed.» —Lincoln Daily News (Neb.) Sept. 8, 1916. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

buffet flat

buffet flat  n.— «The casual, migratory and unskilled drinkers of the world, along with a scattering of habitual, non-migratory and skilful [sic] drinkers, have found a new haven. It is the buffet flat and the New York police are authority...