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Impromptu Gifts

In certain parts of the South, a small, impromptu gift is variously known by the sibilant synonyms sirsee, surcy, searcy, or circe. A South Carolina woman who’s heard the word all her life is baffled as to where it came from. This is part of a...

respect knuckles

respect knuckles  n.pl.β€” Β«Recpect knuckles go to AndroidTapp for the heads up on this one. Using simple, easy to follow steps, one can find YouTube videos and save them directly to their G1’s SD card.Β» β€”β€œDownload YouTube Videos to SD...

Joe the Plumber

Martha nominates another Word of the Year candidate: Joe the, as in “Joe the Plumber,” and subsequent variations on the “X the Y” formula arising from a certain drain-fixer’s quarter-hour of fame. This is part of a...

Plural of Moose

Say there’s one moose, and then another comes along. Now there are two…what? Meese? Mooses? Moose? A Denver man wants to know the correct plural term for moose. The hosts offer news you can use about moose. This is part of a complete...