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urine diversion toilet

urine diversion toilet  n.— «There, up a few steps on a tiled platform, sat a toilet unlike any I’d seen. Its pan was divided in two: solid waste went in the back, and the front compartment collected urine. The liquids and solids can...


hydroseed  v.— «Accompanying the installation of lifesaving guardrails along the Route 17 median in southern Orange County is an alien-green liquid that workers have been spraying on with a high-powered hose.…The process is called...


chemigation  n.— «North Dakota farmers see the practice of applying pesticides and fertilizers through irrigation systems as being easier and cheaper than other methods.…Herb Grenz of Linton, who rents land to a farmer who sometimes...

chicken tractor

chicken tractor  n.— «A chicken tractor is basically a bottomless cage or pen of some kind. This is so the chickens can scratch (a chicken’s raison de etre) and eat off of the ground such things as grass, weeds, bugs, etc. In the U.K...

compost tea

compost tea n. a solution of organic waste matter used as plant fertilizer or insecticide. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


hydroseeding  n.— «The pale, sandy earth is barren, except for patches of unnaturally bright green that mark where a mixture of green dye, fertilizer and grass seed has been sprayed in a process called hydroseeding. The garish dye shows...

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