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flag drop

flag drop  n.— «The rate increase is the first since 2005, and the second since the Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) assumed regulatory authority of local taxis that same year. Though the initial fare, commonly called the “flag...

pay to throw

pay to throw  v. phr.— «The most successful curbside programs give residents who recycle a reward—lower garbage rates. With three garbage cans, for example, you pay full fare. With one can of trash and one of recycling, you pay less. Both...


avatarsment  n.— «Three “virtual consumer actors” will appear as talking avatars in a :30 spot for Taco Bell’s “Fourthmeal,” a clever new term for the fare you grub between dinner and breakfast. (You may know it...

hit-and-run bag

hit-and-run bag  n.— «We remember Hawley informed Nazel that he wouldn’t be able to make the trip.…Dutch wired back: “If it’s the fare don’t worry about that. Pick up your hit-and-run bag and come COD.”» —“Mr. Nazel...

customer of size

customer of size  n.— «“Since 1980, Southwest Airlines has encourages customers of size to purchase a second seat, if required. Our suggestion,” quoting the airline, “for the greatest advantage to the customer of size is to...


slug  n.— «On a lonely corner, the kind of corner you don’t want to be alone on, stood a woman. In a late-model smallish SUV drove another woman, looking for slugs. In Metro parlance, slugs are people who ride with bodysnatchers instead of...