dollar banana n.— «Bananas from these countries are called “dollar bananas” because they are exported to North America and produced by American companies.» —“Global Issues For Breakfast: The Banana Industry And Its Problems Faq...
Elvis factor n.— «What is the Elvis Factor? I once read that 10 percent of the American people think Elvis still alive, and 8 percent believe that if you send him a letter, he will answer it. That’s the Elvis factor. You have to remember...
tablehooter n.— «In Germany cheap sounding electronic beginner keyboard instruments are called a “Tischhupe.” “Tisch” means table, “Hupe” is a car- or alarm horn, though the possibly best English...
totopo n.— «A totopo is a tortilla that is made with salt in the dough and is then baked dry, rather than pliable. This toasted tortilla was made specifically for travellers, as it keeps without spoiling.» —“What is the recipe for...