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ponytail  n.— «Canadians Showcasing Internationally will promote yr material from the dreaded Canada Booth, then provide you with a contact list of just which ponytail scarfed your merchandise.» —“Indie Eye:...

pooch punt

pooch punt  n.— «When they got inside the 50, they brought in another kicker to do the pooch punts and the out-of-bounds stuff.» —“An Eye For Hidden Talent” by Tom FitzGerald San Francisco...


soft-seater  n.— «I think that Blue Rodeo tour made us play with a lot more dynamics than we ever did, ’cause we played soft-seaters every night. We heard vocals in the monitors for the first time!» —“Roadhouse vs. the soft...


rent  v.— «We’ve also been seeing an increase in the “renting” of consumer electronics. In the last five years, there has been an uptick in high-end digital video cameras, for example. You don’t think of people...

throw down

throw down  n.— «Later in the movie, Perry orders Keough to shoot a suspect—unarmed, of course—with Perry’s gun and lie about it yet again. Because they tossed a throw-down weapon at the guy’s feet, the extra subterfuge hardly seems worth...


DINO  n.— «Other liberal bloggers began labeling Lieberman a DINO, for Democrat in Name Only, adapting a coinage conservatives often use for moderate Republicans.» —“Left Has Close Eye On Lieberman’s Leanings On Social...