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bubble capital

bubble capital  n.— «Bank PHB was also accused of having resorted to illegalities in the acquisition bid as two-thirds of the 33 per cent it claimed were “rejected” and “warehoused” shares. The rejected shares, also referred to as “bubble...

The Lipstick Express (minicast)

Hockey mom, mavericky, snow machines, and—how could we forget that other memorable phrase from the 2008 presidential campaign?—lipstick on a pig. Some new and not-so-new terms leapt onto the national stage during Gov. Sarah Palin‘s run for the...


whistler  n.— «In other measurements, Venus Express detected the bursts of radio waves known as “whistlers,” which, at least on Earth, are generated by lightning.» —“New Findings Underscore an Earth-Venus Kinship” by...


freshmore  n.—Gloss: a student in the second year of high school without enough credits to take sophomore classes. «“We’re really focusing harder now on the freshmen and sophomores so they don’t turn into what’s called ’freshmores,'”...


ten-days  n.—Gloss: in Trinidad and Tobago, a temporary job. «As for being Attorney General, her tenure there is generally referred to as a “ten-days,” which isn’t far out: she kept the seat warm for Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj for...


whip-out  n.— «Fred Smith, founder and chief executive officer of Memphis-based Federal Express, is the name that comes to everyone’s lips when asked what advantage the city has in the race for an NFL expansion team. “Fred has said...