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bag drag

bag drag  n.— «Sometimes if you have a 20 or 30 minute turn in a city, somebody on the crew will make a food run to the terminal. If you’re lucky, you stay with one plane all day. If not, you’ve got a bag drag from one end of the airport...

bag drag

bag drag  n.— «The service is going one step further and getting rid of the No. 1 irritant for troops deployed to Hungary and the former Yugoslavia: The bag drag they experience when they deploy from their home base.» —“Troops Heading...


PMD  n.— «America’s greatest intelligence failure in Iraq was not the WMD we thought were there, but weren’t. It was the PMD we thought weren’t there, but were. PMD in my lexicon, stands for “people of mass destruction...

dead pick

dead pick  n.— «I’ve been trying to explain that theatre guys are also responsible for the volume of work done by arena riggers. That in some ways, even arena type point ever set is just a “dead pick” in my world, and that the...


bakism  n.— «“Public Bakism” is a term coined by my good associate Trevor…. Public bakists are young couples who insist on french-kissing “passionately” in front of everybody and not giving a toss...

cello arm

cello arm  n.— «I think I am developing a slight case of “cello arm.” No this is not a synonym for tendonitis or tennis elbow or anything. It is a term I coined used to describe most cello players’ upper arms. There is also a...