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milk test

milk test  n.— «The most common criteria was what people called the “milk test”—judging a potential home by the ease with which you can buy a pint of milk late at night.» —“New South-East Housing Schemes ‘Could Become Sink...


rattle  n.— «Taylor would allow addicts to “do their rattle” (drug-takers’ parlance for coming off heroin) at her home, supplying sleeping pills and methadone to ease withdrawal symptoms.» —“Dealing with...

cricket diplomacy

cricket diplomacy  n.— «He said the U.S. leader probably will praise what’s called “cricket diplomacy”—in which teams from the two countries compete on the field—as helping ease political tensions.» —“South Asia: Nukes And...


pog  n.— «Reed said the Army’s Post Exchanges don’t deal in pennies anymore, rounding change at the register up and down instead. Metal coins have been replaced by cardboard disks called “pogs” because coinage is...

seat of ease

seat of ease  n.— «False Rail.—A rail fayed down upon the upper side of the main or upper rail of the head. It is to strengthen the head-rail, and forms the seat of ease at the after end next the bow.» —by Richard W. Meade A...

seat of ease

seat of ease n. aboard a ship, a board overhanging water for defecation or urination; a toilet. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)