hell to breakfast adj.— «From hell to breakfast. An expression denoting great length, or completeness, or duration. “I’ll stick to this business from hell to breakfast.” Note also: “Till the cows come home.”...
flyover n.— «The prospect of an overpass that will eliminate the traffic circle by fall 2006 infuriates the native Cape Codder.…They argue that the rotary can handle more cars than the bridge, making the bridge the traffic problem, not...
pissdale n.— «Men selected to follow Frost and Struan Ferguson formed lines at the heads and the lead-lined pissdales amidships to ease bowels and bladders before taking their places in the long boats.» —by J.E. Fender Our...
give the black bottle v. phr.— «Given the black bottle. Put out of his misery; this expression arises from the belief that loggers who were badly hurt in accidents were poisoned to ease their suffering.» —“Lumber Industry Slang and...
salami n.— «Another booster sprinkled on the tea estates is the decision to ease lease-rental payments—salami in industry parlance—that have impeded the revival of ailing gardens and choked fresh investments in the industry. Firms pay Rs...
wet n.— «PCP was infrequently incorporated into marijuana cigarettes….These are being sold on the street under varying names such as “Illy” in Connectivut, “Hydro” in New York City, “Dip” in New Jersey...