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chestnut revolution

chestnut revolution  n.— «Chairman of the Russian State Duma international affairs committee Mikhail Margelov has expressed doubt that Ukraine would see a “chestnut revolution’ in case opposition candidate Viktor Yushchenko loses the...

Durrty Durrty South

Durrty Durrty South  n.— «About Helios (ATL). No Doubt meets Foo Fighters—Basically, it’s face-melting rock coming atcha harshcore from the Durrty Durrty South.» —“Helios (ATL)” in Atlanta, Ga. puervolume Oct. 10...


monstering  n.— «More alarming, however, was Cullen’s criticism of Reed’s treatment by some of the more excitable elements of the newspaper business. There’s no doubt the judge suffered, in tabloid parlance, a bit of “monstering...


chamcha  n.— «No doubt, the British also had their sycophants—toadys, bachhas, jholichuks and hukkabardars—but chamchas of the modern vintage they had none. Chamchas are a breed apart. A chamcha, verily is more than a favourite. He is a...


FRAGO  n.— «The Army has lots of acronyms. One is Frago, short for fragmentary order, or a change in the main attack plan.» —“Discovering Doubt and Death On Drive Toward Baghdad” by Steven Lee Myers in Baghdad...