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skunk-eye  n.— «“I came very close,” says Dave [Letterman], flashing a skunk-eye in the direction of CBS headquarters.» —“Letterman Heads For Prime Time In First CBS Special” by Frazier Moore Salt Lake...

pail of steam

pail of steam  other.— «“Pail of Steam”—This is another joke direction to a greenhorn worker, to take a pail and go get it full of steam.» —“Trade Jargon—Carpet Industry” by Ellis H. Custer in Westchester and...


P-turn  n.— «learned a new (Konglish) term: P-turn.…A P-turn is when you can’t turn left at an intersection (like near 광화문/gwanghwamoon) and you need to go straight through the intersection, then take a...


hyzer n. in disc golf or other disc-related sports, a backhanded throw which curves in a direction opposite of the arm used to throw. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


hyzer  n.— «Hyzer: When using a backhand throw, the disc’s flight arc, which causes it to fall in the direction opposite of the throwing arm. For a right-handed player a backhand hyzer shot fades to the left, a sidearm shot fades right...


anhyzer  n.— «Anhyzer: A disc’s flight arc, which falls in the same direction of the throwing arm. For a right-handed player a backhand anhyzer shot fades to the right, while a sidearm anhyzer fades to the left.» —“Spin: Learn the...