swamp ass
n.— «Summers get so damn humid, a day hardly goes by you don’t have swamp-ass by noon.» —by Henry Hill, Bryon Schreckengost A Goodfella’s Guide to New York Apr. 22, 2003. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
swamp ass
n.— «Summers get so damn humid, a day hardly goes by you don’t have swamp-ass by noon.» —by Henry Hill, Bryon Schreckengost A Goodfella’s Guide to New York Apr. 22, 2003. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
Sigrin writes from Albany, New York, that she misheard our earlier conversation about the expression shaving yak hair meaning “performing a monotonous, tedious task.” At first she thought we said shaving gnat hair, which she figures is...