swamp ass n. the condition of having sweaty buttocks, crotch, or gluteal cleft. Editorial Note: Similar but rare terms include swass, chef’s arse, and drummer’s butt. Thanks to Nate Schiavo for suggesting this term as an entry. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
I have not in my life ever heard of swamp ass for the meaning used here. I have however used another word with the same exact usage. I used to work in Construction and when you have been working hard in the heat all day long and at the end of the day you have a sweaty nasty sweaty butt, or crotch. We called it “Nappy Butt Butter”. I like that word better because it more correctly fits the explination/definition. “NAPPY BUTT BUTTER”
I first learned of this term in college marching band as a freshman. Spending hours and hours in the hot sun in uniform at football games resulted in widespread cases of swamp ass. That’s my college education hard at work!
Thanks for the definition of swamp ass..
The guy from Saturday Night Live who always looked drunk/stoned(the one that did the lamb impression) used this term in a stand-up routine.