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 n.— «The World-Wide Web is human stigmergy. The web and its ability to let anyone read anything and also to write back to that environment allows stigmeric communication between humans. Some of the most powerful forces on the web today, Google and weblogs are fundamentally driven by stigmeric communication and their behaviour follows similar natural systems like Ant Trails and Nest Building that are accomplished using stigmergy.» —“Stigmergy and the World-Wide Web” by Joe Gregorio BitWorking Dec. 30, 2002. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Your Two Cents (episode #1558)

Astronauts returning from space say they experience what’s called the overview effect, a new understanding of the fragility of our planet and our need to reflect on what humans all share as a species. A book about the end of the universe...

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