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spray and pray

spray and pray
 v. phr.— «You want to be able to make a great photo from the moment you flip the shutter, you shouldn’t have to rely on “spray and pray” photography. Try to get an excellent shot of your subject in less shots and your photography will improve, be it digital or film.» —“Re: Digital vs. FIlm!” by ally465  BellaOnline Forums Dec. 8, 2005. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Tiger Tail (episode #1540)

You may have a favorite word in English, but what about your favorite in another language? The Spanish term ojalá is especially handy for expressing hopefulness and derives from Arabic for “God willing.” In Trinidad, if you want to ask...

Beside Myself (episode #1535)

The new Downton Abbey movie is a luscious treat for fans of the public-television period piece, but how accurate is the script when it comes to the vocabulary of the early 20th century? It may be jarring to hear the word swag, but it was already at...