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As an A Way with Words sponsor, you’ll associate your company and products with an enduring, high-quality show that has a large, loyal, and highly engaged fan base across the United States and the rest of the world. You’ll take your message directly to a devoted audience of public radio and podcast listeners who already feel they have a personal relationship with the hosts. It’s good company to be keeping.

Because A Way with Words is independently produced and distributed to public radio affiliates nationwide, you can target your company’s message directly to this upscale, well-educated demographic β€” and to podcast listeners online β€” at competitive rates.

Email or call today to talk with our staff about the affordability and value of A Way with Words sponsorships: (619) 567-9673.

Download the A Way with Words Sponsorship Packet.

Why You Should Sponsor A Way with Words

  • Each week it reaches an estimated half-million listeners a week in the NPR demographic.
  • The show is heard coast-to-coast in the US, crossing the borders into Mexico and Canada, including major metro broadcast markets.
  • Besides listeners, it has a large community of social media followers and newsletter subscribers.
  • It has a loyal and consistent audience.
  • It has grown from 12 stations in four states in 2007 to hundreds of signals nationwide today.
  • It is produced by Wayword, Inc., a 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit.

Top 20 Metro Areas

According to podcast and web demographics, these are the American cities where the show is heard the most.

  • New York NY
  • Los Angeles CA
  • Dallas-Ft. Worth TX
  • Chicago IL
  • San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose CA
  • Washington DC / Hagerstown MD
  • Boston MA-Manchester NH
  • San Diego CA
  • Houston TX
  • Atlanta GA
  • Seattle-Tacoma WA
  • Philadelphia PA
  • Detroit MI
  • Minneapolis-St. Paul MN
  • Phoenix AZ
  • Denver CO
  • Miami-Ft. Lauderdale FL
  • Portland OR
  • Indianapolis IN
  • Orlando-Daytona Beach-Melbourne FL

A Desirable Audience

Like the public radio audience overall, A Way with Words listeners are upscale, educated, and influential in their communities. According to data released by NPR, they’re also:

  • Well-educated. 214% more likely to have a post-graduate degree, with accompanying high income.118% more likely to be professionals. Life-long learners.
  • Adults. 53% are 25-54 years old; 65% are between the ages of 35-64.
  • Investment-minded. 38% more likely to own a second home.
  • More likely to have disposable income. The median household income of the typical NPR listener is about $86,000, compared to the national average of about $55,000.
  • Worldly. 11% more likely to vacation abroad. Enjoy learning foreign languages, buying foreign cars.
  • News consumers. Highly engaged with current events, read the news online daily.
  • Well-read. Book-buyers who read everything from mysteries to biographies and history, and buy books as gifts for their children.
  • Discerning gift givers. Buy gifts of electronics for friends and family.
  • Politically active. Enjoy discussion and debate. 20% more likely to vote and 26% more likely to work as volunteers.
  • Physically active. 24% more likely to go backpacking or hiking. Sports-minded, and spend money on pastimes that challenge them.

How It Works

Working with one of our staff, you’ll develop a mutually agreeable package that meets your budget and reaches our listeners in the most effective way.

A few of the options:

  • 10- or 15-second broadcast messages written to meet FCC rules. They are read aloud by one of the hosts. Among other things, the messages may include information about the company, its products, and a web address.
  • 15- to 30-second podcast messages, read by one of the hosts, that may include all of the above, plus calls to action, and more typical marketing and promotional language.
  • One- or two-sentence messages in the A Way with Words newsletter.
  • “Thank-you to our sponsor” messages in social media alongside a brief message.

Additionally, we also offer the opportunity to underwrite a live event of your choosing, including a multi-city tour.

Email or call today to find out more about the affordability and value of A Way with Words sponsorships: (619) 567-9673.

Past Sponsors and Supporters

These organizations have supported the show through sponsorships, grants, or underwriting.