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snowflake baby

snowflake baby n. a child grown and born from a frozen embryo. Etymological Note: The term probably is derived from Snowflakes, an embryo-adoption agency affiliated with Focus on the Family, a conservative Christian organization founded by James Dobson, who is the author of the 2004 citation. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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  • Just read this….what??  sometimes all the embryos take and there are twins, triplets, etc.  Then there are multiple lives saved.  How do you ‘kill’ other babies when they don’t develop; at least these people try.  What would happen to the one that made it if they didn’t try????

  • I agree wtih Lisa. They’ll stay frozen or people will grow them in test tubes and then kill them. It seems a lot more logical to save as many as possible.

  • Just some points of clarification: 1. The Snowflake Embryo Adoption Program is not a program of Focus on the Family.  Focus has positively reinforced embryo adoption and helped potential donors and adopters work through spiritual concerns they may have.
    2. The name ‘Snowflake’ indicates the uniqueness of each person (frozen embryo). 
    3. Embryo Donation and Adoption is practiced throughout the U.S., not just by the Snowflake program.  Many infertility clinics offer programs to help their patients who have embryos remaining from their in vitro treatments donate them to other families. 
    4. Even when a couple is receiving an in vitro treatment for their own family building, multiple embryos are transferred into the woman’s womb in the hope that at least one will implant and mature to birth. 
    I thought your readers should be provided with more accurate information.

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