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 n.— «Some processes occur very slowly and the amount of moisture in the natural gas does not change rapidly. In other cases, moisture spikes or “slugs” as they are called can occur with highly detrimental effects.» —“Factors to Consider When Choosing a Natural Gas Moisture Analyzer” PR Web June 8, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Deep-Fried Air (episode #1589)

Eels, orts, and Wordle! Sweden awarded its most prestigious literary award to a book about…eels. The Book of Eels reveals the mysterious life cycle of this sea creature and its significance for famous figures from Aristotle to Sigmund Freud. Plus...

Stub Your Toe (episode #1606)

Advice about college essays from the winner of a top prize for children’s literature: Kelly Barnhill encourages teens to write about experiences that are uniquely their own, from a point of view that is theirs and no one else’s. Plus...