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slow town

slow town
 n.— «Residents of Goolwa, Hindmarsh and Currency Creek are being invited to decide whether Goolwa will become Australia’s first “slow town.” Goolwa has been proposed as a Cittaslow. Pronounced Chit-a-slow, it is an meaning slow town and is based on the concept of “slow food,” where communities are encouraged to identify and preserve local produce and traditions and to make time to sit down with family and to enjoy local cooking in a convivial atmosphere.» —“Goolwa first ‘slow town’?” in Goolwa Times (Victor Harbor, South Australia) July 14, 2005. (: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Canyondechelly - Singing Sand (episode #1546)

Singing Sand (episode #1546)

Cat hair may be something you brush off, but cat hair is also a slang term that means “money.” In the same way, cat beer isn’t alcoholic — some people use cat beer as a joking term for “milk.” And imagine walking on a...

Fribbling and Bombling

You know when a cat’s tail goes straight up and appears to vibrate? Emily from Coventry, Rhode Island, says her family has their own word for that: fribbling. She says her family also made up the word bomple to denote the action of fruit...

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