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sleep out

sleep out
 v. phr.— «Many homeless prefer “sleeping out,” as the euphemism goes, to staying in a cramped, noisy, and sometimes smelly shelter.» —“The Plan to Nowhere?” by Philip Dawdy Seattle Weekly (Wash.) Mar. 8, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

An Irish Curse and a Blessing

An old Irish curse goes: May the devil make a ladder of your backbones while picking apples in the garden of hell. If you’d rather offer someone a friendlier wish, try May angels bless your sleep with the smell of apple pies. This is part of a...

No Sirree, Bob!

Chris from Kittery, Maine, wonders about the colloquial expression no sirree, Bob! or yes sirree, Bob!, which is an emphatic way of saying “definitely not!” or “no way!” The sirree (sometimes spelled with one r, as siree) in...