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 n.— «It’s creamy, tastes like real chocolate (not squeezed-from-a-bottle sludge), and comes with a giant spoonful of the type of thick, homemade whipped cream my grandma refers to as “shlog.”» —“Hot Chocolate City” by Sarah Mirk The Stranger (Seattle, Washington) Dec. 7, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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  • “Schlag” is German, roughly translated as “hit,” “beat” or “strike;” and the actual German word for whipped cream is, I think, “schlagsahne,” but certainly if you order a cappucino, hot chocolate or strudel in a cafe in Vienna you are likely to be offered a dollop of whipped cream on top with the words “mit schlag?” These days, it is likely to be from an aerosol can. The author of the quoted source evidently didn’t think much about the origins, spelling or meaning of the word.

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