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 n.— «Joseph R. Egan, a nuclear engineer-turned-lawyer who led Nevada’s legal campaign to block a nuclear waste dump at Yucca Mountain, died Wednesday at his home in Naples, Fla. He was 53.…He had arranged for his ashes to be spread at Yucca Mountain, in Southern Nevada, with the words “radwaste buried here only over my dead body.”» —“Joseph Egan, Lawyer Who Fought Nuclear Waste Site, Is Dead at 53″ by Matthew L. Wald New York Times May 12, 2008. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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  • “Radwaste” goes back to at least 1966 in UK usage. (It is in the 1998 Chambers.) In the first half of 1966 I worked in a UK laboratory where small items containing radioactive materials were used. There were bins for the disposal of classified documents and hardware, above which was a notice, in big, red letters: “NO RADWASTE. CALL EXT nnnn FOR DISPOSAL”

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