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 adj.— «“Quarterbaked” was coined after the horrendous tan i picked up during my stint in Rajkot and Ahmedabad. 2004 saw a cat n mouse game between my real complexion and my quarterbaked self, as i travelled from venue to venue. The final result is now a mixture of what i call “Quarterbaked.”» —“Quarterbaked” by Gaurav Gala Quarterbaked (New Delhi, Delhi, India) Jan. 12, 2005. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

English’s Borrowings from Asian Languages

The English language has been greatly enriched by borrowings from the languages of Asia. Barely scratching the surface, we have from Japan skosh, tycoon, tsunami, origami, yen, kimono, futon, and karaoke. From Chinese comes yen, kowtow, gung ho, and...