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 n.— «“It was an act of ‘podiacide,'” otherwise known as shooting yourself in the foot, Bolton told reporters.» —“Bolton: Chavez speech cost Venezuela seat” by Edith M. Lederer Baltimore Sun (Maryland) Nov. 2, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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1 comment
  • UN Amb. Bolton did not coin the word Podiacide in his remarks on Nov. 2, 2006. Check this link for documented proof: http://www.genebartlow.com.
    “Podiacide,” is a verb describing the act of “shooting oneself in the foot” (a contraction of podiatry and suicide). Podiacide was coined in 1990 by Gene S. Bartlow, Colonel, USAF-Ret., as a word to describe an act of self-inflicted stupidity that is normally preventable. You can readily see acts of podiacide committed mostly by politicians daily in your local newspaper and on national television.

    Gene S. Bartlow
    Springfield, VA

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