Home Β» Dictionary Β» o-beer-time


 n.β€” Note: Seems to be similar to “beer o’clock” and “beer thirty,” which also mean “an instance of, or an occasion suitable for, drinking.” Β«It was already understood that the crowd in this mall had a large middle class commuter population so the trick was to get as many orders as possible within a 3-hour time frame we jokingly referred to as o-beer-time. O-beer-time was our term for the number of hours a typical male customer could waste away and still justify to his wife that he was just killing time to avoid traffic.Β» β€”β€œBizTekPinoy: Be the ball” by Jaime Garchitorena ABS-CBn (Philippines) Oct. 7, 2007. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Saying Oh for Zero

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