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New Season Starts November 24th

Power up the vacuum tubes and charge up your iPod! Just in time for the holiday season, we’re happy to announce that the first of our brand-new shows of the new season will air the weekend of Saturday, November 24th, and Sunday, November 25th.

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Further reading

Your Two Cents (episode #1558)

Astronauts returning from space say they experience what’s called the overview effect, a new understanding of the fragility of our planet and our need to reflect on what humans all share as a species. A book about the end of the universe...

Good Vibrations (episode #1556)

Asthenosphere, a geologist’s term for the molten layer beneath the earth’s crust, sparks a journey that stretches all the way from ancient Greece to the author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Plus: What the heck is a dogberg? It’s when...

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