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lunk alarm

lunk alarm
 n.— «At Planet Fitness—which opened a location in Greece in March and plans to open one in Gates—grunting can trigger an ear-rattling siren and flashing lights. The so-called lunk alarm on the wall over the free weights has a sign explaining the term: A lunk is someone who grunts, drops weights or is judgmental of other exercisers.» —“Gyms crack down on grunters” by Chris Swingle Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York) Dec. 27, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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1 comment
  • According to Dictionary.com, the word “Lunk” dates back to 1867. The word “Lunk” is reported to mean: a dull, “slow-witted”, or stupid person.
    It appears that Planet Fitness has taken this insulting word and substituted their own definition (a person who grunts, drops weights, or judges another person) in order to be slightly less offensive to people who violate their rules. It seems that the message is clear enough; Planet Fitness generally regards bodybuilders and powerlifters as “slow-witted” people who should be embarrassed publicly if/when they bring attention to themselves by violating a Planet Fitness rule.

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