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Korotkoff sound

Korotkoff sound
 n.— «Blood rushing around your arteries makes noises. These are called “Korotkoff sounds.”» —“And another thing…“ by Stephen Hall-Jones Cayman Net News (Cayman Islands) Nov. 6, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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  • This isn’t an appropriate entry for double-tongued. Korotkoff was a russian doctor who characterised the different sounds heard when occluding the brachial artery to take a blood pressure reading. The word is found in every medical dictionary. There’s a good entry on the sounds at wikipedia.

  • It’s in no mainstream dictionary, however. Citations recorded here are candidates for full entries–I record them pending further investigation, at which time it is discovered where else they might already be included. That investigation happens after they are recorded here, not before.

Further reading

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