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jade berg

jade berg
 n.— «There’s one berg, quite small and grounded only a short distance from the hut that really takes the cake. Called the “Jade Berg’ by most of us it has a varied and unusual colouring. Most of it is this rich translucent green but there are chunks of smoky brown (due to the presence of mud and stones), opaque bottle greens and delicate grey-greens interspersed. The effect, especially with the tracery of snow decorating it is startling. It’s the first really green berg I’ve seen, although there are supposed to be some up around Colbeck, about 80 kilometres to the west of Mawson.» —by Ingrid Mc Gaughey in Antarctica Ingrid On Ice (Australia) July 19, 1998. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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