God wink n. something taken as evidence that a higher power is at work; a coincidence. Editorial Note: The term was popularized by Squire Rushnell in his 2003 book When God Winks and in his subsequent books. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
God wink n. something taken as evidence that a higher power is at work; a coincidence. Editorial Note: The term was popularized by Squire Rushnell in his 2003 book When God Winks and in his subsequent books. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
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Dear Grant:
I am the author of the “When GOD Winks” books, and the originator of the term “God Wink” and “godwinks.”
At the beginning of my first two books I have listed the definition of godwink (n) as follows: “A personal signal or message directly from a higher power, usually but not always, in the form of a coincidence.
In my writing I also use the word “godwink” to describe “answered prayer”…for which I have found no appropriate word in the English language. As such, I’m finding that people quite involutarily and quickly use the term “godwink” to describe a moment when a prayer has been answered, or a coincidence seems to defy odds.
God Wink, with capital letters, I use to describe the actual act..as in, “when God winks.” In lowercase, “godwink” is the outcome of God Winks.
I appreciate your kind interest. And, I am fascinated by your work with Double=Tongued.
Good wishes and godwinks.
SQuire Rushnell
My co-worker’s 58 year old husband died a couple of weeks ago after a short but devastating illness. She and her 30 year old son had recently cleared old toys out of their shed for the grandkids to play with. Together they noticed TV commercials centered around “soap box derby” cars from Cub Scouts and wondered what ever happened to the one he and his Dad had made years ago, and assumed it had broken and been pitched. Looking for something else in the shed that is now cleaned up of old toys, right smack dab in front of him sat the car, like a beautiful gift from Dad. What a Godwink! Gives me goosebumps of joy and tears at the same time! She said her son was as white as a ghost when he showed her. I sense a rebirth of the Lord in that young man’s life.