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 n.— «Microsoft has issued an update to Windows Vista that’s intended to stop a piracy monster. The software maker said Thursday that the update is aimed at thwarting a technique that was letting some people use pirated versions of the operating system without going through the software’s built-in product activation. Microsoft has dubbed the approach “frankenbuild” because it works by combining test versions of Vista with the final code to create a hybrid version.» —“Microsoft tries to stop Vista piracy monster” by Ina Fried CNET Dec. 14, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Until a Week of Thursdays

In English, to wait until the cows come home, means you’ll wait a long time. In French, it’s attendre la semaine des quatre jeudis, literally, to “wait for a week of Thursdays.” This is part of a complete episode.
