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 n.— «By far, the cagiest of the night hunters (and the hardest to apprehend) were those who walked into a back field, orchard or remote spot near their homes with hand-held lights and rifles. These “foot-jack-uhs,” as they were called, usually were dressed warm for the occasion and were extremely familiar with the countryside they hunted.» —“Memories from a Game Warden’s Diary: Foot-jack-uh!” by John Ford in Brooks Village Soup (Maine) June 4, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

No Sirree, Bob!

Chris from Kittery, Maine, wonders about the colloquial expression no sirree, Bob! or yes sirree, Bob!, which is an emphatic way of saying “definitely not!” or “no way!” The sirree (sometimes spelled with one r, as siree) in...